March 08, 2017


On this day, we celebrate the WOMEN who have fought for our rights. We are all truly blessed to have these amazing people speak out for us. #HerVoiceIsMyVoice

I have been inspired by many inspirational women in my life who i have had the privilege to have known and look up to. My mother especially has inspired me to keep on going. She has been such a strong role model in my life and her path has led me to create and explore things that she has never got to achieve at my age. Because of her hard work, my brothers and I got to grow up with a women who is strong minded, has a beautiful soul and can do f***ing anything. For that, Thank You to My Gorgeous Mother. 

YouTube made an incredible video based on #HerVoiceIsMyVoice and i highly recommend you guys check it out. It literally brought me to tears and gave me the chills.

Women's day is not only about Women because along the way we also had ballsy Men support our rights. You don't hear much about Men or at least i don't hear about them supporting women's rights or gender equality but when serious events occur there are men out there who speak up. Thank You to those Men. 

Matt McGorry & Prince Harry
Matt Ruffalo & Ryan Gosling

Many Women have helped me be the person i am today, the person i was last week and the person that i'll be when I'm 35. To those Women Thank You. 

Barbara Kruger, Chimamanda Adichie, Alicia Keys
 Beyonce, Michelle Obama, Lady Gaga
Emma Watson, Chrissy Teigen, Shonda Rhimes
 Tracee Ross, Ellen DeGeneres, Malala Yousafzai
Demi Lovato, Frida Kahlo

Of course there are many more Men and Women who have supported Women's rights. To them I Thank You.

Hope you enjoyed the day!
mich x

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